
For windows instal PortableApps Platform 26.0
For windows instal PortableApps Platform 26.0

for windows instal PortableApps Platform 26.0

If you scroll down to the download details section of that page, it'll tell you how much space it will take up on your device.

for windows instal PortableApps Platform 26.0

Browse to the App Page - Now that you've decided what you'd like to get, browse to the app's page with its logo and the big download button.Do you want a copy of Firefox Portable to run by itself? Or do you want to download the full PortableApps Suite so you have a whole platform for portable apps? For most folks, getting the whole suite is recommended. Decide What You Want - The first step is to decide what you want to get.It explains in a step by step fashion, how to download an app (or the suite) and install it to the portable device of your choice.

for windows instal PortableApps Platform 26.0

If you're not as familiar with downloading software and then installing it where you need it to be, this is the guide for you.

For windows instal PortableApps Platform 26.0